
St. Ann’s has enjoyed enduring partnerships with three local organizations reaching a diverse range of families, individuals and needs in the neighboring communities. Outreach funds are committed annually as part of St. Ann’s operating budget and are supplemented by special designated gifts and occasional fundraisers.

In 2023, a total of $19,500 was distributed to support the work in the areas of domestic violence, food and fuel assistance, and homelessness. Click on the links below to learn about the important work of each of these valued partners.

This strong commitment to community and outreach is also evidenced by in-kind activities. The St. Ann’s community and visitors have enthusiastically supported both of our July and August drives.

During the month of July, we collect donations of specific supplies and necessities requested by our partner organizations to support the needs and dignity of those they support. In July 2023 we were pleased to distribute donated items twice during the month, we look forward to growing this effort in July of 2024. Flyers with a list of needs will be available at each service and will be posted online.

Our August drive is, “back to school shoes and supplies.” August 2023 was a transition from Backpack to shoes, and was greeted with overwhelming enthusiasm and support! We were pleased to participate in sending children in need off to school with new shoes and the necessary school supplies. We look forward to providing the funds for these essential items again in 2024 and to hope expand our funds to provide footwear for the unhoused.

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